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Our Team Leader, Mr Denis Lindo has called on the people of Nakaseke to turn their hobbies into money-making ventures to increase their household incomes and progress on their respective journeys to financial freedom.

“I would like each of you to turn whatever you are good at into a money-making avenue. It will not only help diversify your sources of income but also help create a stable financial standing for you and your families,” Mr Lindo said.

Mr Lindo made the call on Friday while addressing local council leaders from Nakaseke Town Council and Semuto Sub County who had gathered for a Directorate of Industrial Training (DTI) sensitisation meeting.

The meeting was organised by the Rose Namayanja Foundation to introduce the concept of the DIT certification to the population by first getting an understanding of the same by the leadership.

Mr Lindo tipped the leaders on good work ethics that he says will propel their businesses by attracting new clients while retaining the old ones.

On parenting, Lindo called on them to live exemplary lives for their children to emulate. He also urged them continuously be engaged in the education of their children.

“Create a conducive environment for your children to prosper in life, give them the right foundation and guidance as parents,” Mr Lindo said.

RNF together with the DIT, have partnered to sensitize the masses on the benefits of DIT programmes which focus on developing policies, and implementing strategies for skills training, upgrading, and testing of workers in industries and apprentices in workplaces as well as those persons training in the world of work. The target groups are; artisans, plumbers, builders e.t.c.

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