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In a heartwarming turn of events, RT Hon Namayanja Rose Nsereko, the Founder and Director of the Rose Namayanja Foundation, has been nominated for the prestigious 2023 Women of Influence […]

Young women and girls gathered in Kampala last week for the second edition of the Young Women and Girls’ Mentorship Programme, which focuses on creating a leadership pathway for young women looking to make their mark in society.

The East African Community (EAC) has become a regional bloc with many challenges and opportunities in order to achieve its full potential. One challenge it faces is the fact that some citizens of member states are frustrated by the slow pace at which reforms are being implemented. In order to resolve this, the EAC needs to encourage intellectual discourse, advocacy and dialogue as a means of conflict resolution other than silence which builds frustrat

Rt Hon. Rose Namayanja Nsereko, Founder and Director of the Rose Namayanja Foundation, has called for a united front among women leaders in Uganda.

Young people are the future. They are our hope for the future, and they deserve to be recognized as such. But despite this truth, many young people around the world live in communities where they have little access to resources and opportunities. Whether due to poverty or social stigma, young people are often left out of decisions that will shape their lives forever. This is why it’s so important for us adults in these communities (especially those who work with youth) to act on behalf of our young people by improving their access to education and employment opportunities—and increasing awareness about gender inequalities that affect them as well!

Founder and Director of the Rose Namayanja Foundation (RNF), Rt. Hon. Namayanja Rose Nsereko has called on young people to break through barriers to become leaders.

BY KAKANDE CHRISPUS “MY RIGHTS, MY RIGHTS.” Yes, the study of human rights is interesting but comes with several undecided debates. For the years, man has undergone various challenges, the […]

The youth need to invest more time and commitment to personal leadership if they are to become successful leaders who will benefit society, our Director and Founder Rt Hon. Namayanja […]

Creating a strong pipeline of capable leaders is very important for national development. It creates a succession line to ensure effective leaders in a country. This means that a society […]

German-born scientist Albert Einstein said that “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it […]

After realizing that limited mentorship programmes coupled with a lack of systematic strategies to attract and retain young women to join leadership and participate in governance processes continue to hinder […]

With the current Uganda’s population estimated to be over 42 million, 57% of the population is below 18 years of age, while 21% is between 18 to 30 years, highlighting […]

The RNF team today joined other Stake holders at a Creative Morning event held in commemoration of the International Youth Day 2019 under the theme; “Transforming Education”. The event was […]

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