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The Biddabuggya Health Centre Project

Biddabuggya is located in Nakaseke District, kasangombe sub county, bukuku parish, Timuna LCI. It is housed on a 5-acre land which was donated by Church of Uganda - Luwero Diocese.

This facility was started in 1988 by the community and world vision, after Church of Uganda Donating land for the Health facility.

It was started as dispensary later upgraded to H/C II and now health Centre III, throughout this period the community with world vision continuously added value to this facility through infrastructure support and equipment. 

With increasing health services demand, the facility capacity to provide quality services was compromised, hence therefore the Rose Namayanja foundation in 2015 undertook to provide a solution. Later ground breaking for a multimillion OPD complex was done, construction began and right now the structure is at its final stages.  This new structure has all the department, vis; Maternity wing, Laboratory, theater, OPD and In patient with a 10 capacity bed.


Beneficiary Map

Total population Served                                                                      25100

Women of child bearing age                                                               5700

Expected pregnancies                                                                          1255

Number of births                                                                                  1217

Children under 1 year                                                                          1079

Children under 5 years                                                                        5070

Expected TB cases                                                                                   75                

People less than                                                                                  11546


Services provided include:

1.     Care and treatment of patients and HIV recipients of care

2.     Maternal neonatal child health service

3.     Outreach services

4.     Health education and promotion

5.     Minor surgeries

6.     Reproductive health and Adolescent friendly services

At the current level of completion, RNF has so far spent over 150,000,000/= in form of construction, material facility and other services.

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