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Blog - Socio-Economic Empowerment

Our two demonstration farms, located in Kasangombe and Semuto Sub-counties, serve as vital learning hubs for local farmers, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to improve their agricultural practices.

In Uganda, women and young people often face significant challenges in achieving economic success. These challenges can be particularly acute in rural areas, where access to education, training, and employment opportunities may be limited.

It was a dark and stormy night. I was curled up on the couch with a blanket watching my favorite re-run, when suddenly lightning struck and hit me right between the eyes. Now, I’m not usually one to believe in things like divine intervention or signs from above, but there was a message here, and it couldn’t be ignored: We all need faith in women.

In an effort aimed at curbing the high unemployment rate in the country, the Rose Namayanja Foundation (RNF) has partnered with the Directorate of Industrial Training to enable the assessment of skilled Ugandans to enable them to get recognized professional certificates.

Can we ever find a balance in business operations in Uganda? Well, this Article answers and provides solutions to some of the common questions that ruin the entrepreneur sector. As of today very many traders and vendors are haunted by authorities because of carrying out businesses outside the law, given that fact, this Article importantly details, informs, and solutionizes.

By Wilson Ntulume Technology has evolved the way we know life and the way we perceive everything about how humans behaved a hundred or

After an extensive two months of training in tailoring and garment design, 25 RNF beneficiaries received their certificates at a well-attended graduation ceremony on the 2nd of June, 2022. The […]

The Rose Namayanja foundation and Uganda Industrial Research Institute have partnered to empower youth through skilling as demanded by the current job market. According to Hon Namayanja Rose Nsereko, the […]

Due to lack of social-economic empowerment, youth today are at risk of being forced into exploitation, early marriage and childbirth, and face negative health outcomes. Many youth are living under […]

German-born scientist Albert Einstein said that “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it […]

This Article was first published in the New Vision New Year resolution is a commitment that one makes to do well at the start of the New Year. In the […]

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